In the Shadow of a Wish Maci Aurora Pages: 518 Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Magic First Published on April 26, 2022 My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Synopsis: In the Kingdom of Kaloma, women are forced to marry by the age of 26. It’s the law. In the remote village of Sevens, at the northernmost point of the kingdom, there lives an impoverished family with four daughters and a son. Without the means to make love matches, the daughters are trapped by their circumstances. When one daughter discovers a golden key deep in the Whitling Woods, it may have the power to change everything... Auri Fareview, practical and realistic, does what she can to serve her family. When she finds a golden key that could be the answer she needs to save her sisters from the unjust Kaloma Marriage Laws, she discovers the treasure might be more than she bargained for. Enchanted, it doesn’t just come with a price attached, it’s also home to an imprisoned god, who wreaks havoc on her body, her heart, and her soul. And those ...
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